Slam Dunk Lube - Original

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Whether you're working on taking fists, toys, or just anything you can find about the house, Slam Dunk Original is a great lube to help get it up your hole.

Slam Dunk Lube - Original

Slam Dunk has been tried, thoroughly tested, and refined over the years to give you one hell-of-a fisting and toy cream. It doesn't dry out like water-based lubes, yet much easier to clean than other oil-based lubes.

Slam Dunk contains the finest quality Mineral and Hydrogenated Oils, Clove Oil, Distilled Water and Polyethylene Polymer dispersing agent. The addition of clove oil will help relax your hole without numbing it, so you can take your fisting and toy play to the next level. This unique blend is non-toxic, hypo-allergenic and cleans up easily with dish soap and warm water.

"Slam Dunk is made of the highest quality ingredients. Production is monitored from initial blending to final packaging to ensure that the product is consistent and of the highest quality every time you use it."

- The Slam Dunk Promise

Slam Dunk is oil-based and therefore, not compatible with latex condoms and can damage the surface of cheaper silicone toys.

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